A youth group from Tanzania also visited our company as part of a youth exchange. BÜCHL Innovation Manager and ELOGplan Managing Director Dieter Friedrich co-organised this youth exchange. The aim of the visit to BÜCHL was an exchange on the topics of circular economy and sustainability. “It is very important and valuable to look beyond the ‘German edge of the plate’, especially when it comes to these topics, and to broaden one’s horizons,” says Friedrich.
Prof. Reinhard Büchl hat für die Jugendgruppe zudem einen Vortrag an der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt gehalten und mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer diskutiert. Im Anschluss überreichte Prof. Büchl stellvertretend für die BÜCHL Foundation eine Spende über 1.500 €.
The money will be used for the Kimambila project in Tanzania. In addition to reforestation, a training centre for the deaf is being built there and wells are being drilled to improve the hygienic situation of the rural population.
Caption: Reinhard Büchl hands over the donation to George Pindua