A Contract for an expanded Collaboration between University of Foshan and ELOGplan GmbH in the fields of waste management was signed end of October in Foshan. The City of Foshan, situated in the southern district of Guandong and Member of the Sino-German Industrial City Alliance isn´t only related to Ingolstadt in a city partnership but a production site of the car manufacturer Audi. The collaboration contract includes activities in municipal waste management, consulting services for the development of teaching and research at the Foshan University and a closer cooperation in all fields of applied sustainability.
ELOGplan expands seminar programme
The demand for practical, professional and, above all, regional seminars is growing, as the training of employees, the proof of a specialist and the compliance with legal regulations are essential for many companies in the competition for competent employees.
For this reason, ELOGplan GmbH, which has been actively involved in the organization of seminars for many years, is expanding its range of services with additional events and new focus topics. A high practical reference, competent speakers, a perfect event service and easy access to the meeting place are only some of the advantages for our customers, who for example come from the transport and waste disposal sector, from regional production companies as well as from trade and industry.
We offer the training courses under the new brand REGION 10 SEMINAR
TH Ingolstadt and ELOGplan – research for HV-batteries
ELOGplan will be involved in the R&D project SAFIR, lead by the THI (Ingolstadt University of applied Sciences) and government-funded (BMBF, Ministry of Education and Research), starting in October 2016. The Research Cluster SEANCe as a part of the project includes all issues of safety, environmental protection, process management and handling of high voltage batteries (e.g. lithium batteries) after a car crash. ELOGplan is a financial supporter of the project and involved in R&D activities concerning the topics handling, storage, recycling and 2nd use.
German Patent and Trademark Office for the logistic system “Q-Frame”
A new patent (No. 2415635) was granted by the German Patent and Trademark Office (GPTO) for the logistic system “Q-Frame”. Q-Frame is a main part of ELOG® SYSTEM and especially in use for a forklift-free inhouse waste logistic. Q-Frame is available as a 2-bin-Carrier and as a 6-bin-carrier.
Visit of a delegation from the partner city of Foshan
A high-ranking delegation from the University of Foshan came from the partner city of Foshan (Guangdong Province) to visit the TH Ingolstadt. ELOGplan accompanied the delegation and presented future projects for applied sustainability.
ELOGplan GmbH was awarded
At the world’s largest trade fair IFAT in Munich, ELOGplan GmbH was awarded the Beacon Project 2016 by the Cluster of Environmental Technology Bavaria for the “Benchmark Tool”.
Reorganisation of the Group
As part of a reorganisation of the Group, ELOGplan GmbH is appearing on the market with a new name, in a new design and with a sharper performance profile.