On 01.03.2018, Reinhard Büchl completed the last step of his long and well-prepared exit from the BÜCHL Group – after more than 45 years of successful entrepreneurial activity. His function as managing director in many companies of the group came to an end and, thus, the transfer of corporate responsibility to his children Reinhard Büchl jun. and Iris Büchl was completed. Through innovation, foresight and a feeling for the trends in the industry, Prof. Reinhard Büchl not only developed BÜCHL into a successful group of companies with 500 employees today, but he also strengthened the entire industry through association functions, innovative logistics solutions and the development of networks and cooperation over decades. Prof. Reinhard Büchl remains true to his passion for sustainability and resource efficiency in his new role as the founder and director of INAS (Institute for Applied Sustainability), an affiliated institute of the TH Ingolstadt technical university.www.inas-institut.de