Umwelt Cluster Bavaria, initiated by Bavarian Government to develop collaboration in all fields of environmental technologies, celebrated its 10th anniversary on Nov 11 at the Kurpark-Theater in Augsburg-Göggingen. Mrs Dr. Wolf, representive of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology, delivered an address which contents, that the Umweltcluster is an example of success and pointed out, that innovations are based on network collaboration, and progress is based on innovations. Bavarian government supports Umweltcluster Bavaria for the next 3 years again. Mr. Büchl, spokesman of the Umweltcluster, said in his speech, that the Umweltcluster became a worldwide trademark for ecological technology made in Bavaria. ELOGplan, member of Umweltcluster for 10 years, was awarded as a lighthouse-project in 2016 and hold a presentation about the so called BENCHMARK Tool for waste management optimization in the industry, especially designed for worldwide car producers.